Practice Areas

Public Law

Innovative thinking, creativity, and legal-scientific rigour are fundamental attributes in the context of the advice provided in the field of public law.

The public law area represents a strong investment by CCA and has become increasingly important over the last few years.

Our experience enables us to offer legal solutions tailored to both public entities and companies and individuals, always based on innovation, commitment, and a focus on the client.

Public law includes a wide range of issues and our services, which are multidisciplinary in nature and provided by highly specialised lawyers, are appropriate and respond to an extensive variety of specific client situations.

Among the services provided by CCA in the field of public law, we highlight the following:

  • Full monitoring of pre-contractual public procurement procedures, whether advising public entities in the preparation and monitoring of the procedure or advising private entities as candidates or bidders;
  • Administrative litigation: contractual, pre-contract public procurement, extra-contractual liability of the State and other public entities;
  • Advice in the context of the various vicissitudes of the implementation of public contracts (e.g., public works contracts, acquisition of goods and services, amongst others);
  • Town and country planning;
  • Expropriation proceedings;
  • Monitoring of different kinds of procedures, in the areas of health, telecommunications, infrastructures, energy, water, and sanitation.

Public Law

Public Law

Miguel Neiva de Oliveira

Senior Associate
Public Law

Rodrigo Volz Correia

Principal Associate
Public Law

Joana Freitas Peixoto

Public Law

Margarida Petiz