

Above the line or below the line, traditional or digital, in the press or on social media - the important thing is that advertisement is seen.

The needs of a marketing or advertising agency are distinct from those of a media agency. An advertising medium has interests that, in many cases, may conflict with those of an advertiser, who often is unaware or does not understand the limits imposed by law, regulation, or self-regulation.

Understanding the advertising market means knowing the problems and challenges that this sector poses to the various operators involved in it and which, in general, are not coincident.

Because we advise companies and professionals in all areas of advertising and commercial communication, we understand all the perspectives of this sector, which allows us to provide our clients with agile and rigorous solutions to the various problems they need to face.

The services provided by the CCA Advertising team include:

  • Analysis of the legal compliance of advertising campaigns, with verification of compliance with general rules (for example, on misleading and comparative advertising), specific rules depending on the type of product (for example, drugs, alcoholic beverages, games of chance, vehicles) and the rules imposed by the unfair commercial practices regime;
  • Negotiation and drafting of contracts for the creation and distribution of advertising content and sponsorship contracts;
  • Assistance in disputes and judicial litigation before advertising self-regulation;
  • Assistance in administrative procedures.


Responsible for the Gaming Area

Filipe Mayer

Head of TMT Department

Martim Bouza Serrano

Managing Associate
Online Gaming

Alcina de Oliveira Alves