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TECH TALKS | Challenges and Trends in Cybersecurity


What is missing for companies to be more protected against cyber attacks? What kind of strategies can they use?

Included in CCA Law Firm's "Tech Talks" Conference Cycle, this second session will be dedicated to the main challenges, trends and techniques for mitigating Cybersecurity risks in companies.

The main governance points, regulatory trends and incident response protocols will be addressed, in a practical way, aiming an adequate compliance and the maintenance of a good business reputation.

The event takes place on 17 October at CCA Law Firm's headquarters (Edifício Diogo Cão, Doca de Alcântara Norte in Lisbon), with Registration and Welcome Coffee scheduled for 6pm. The session will start at 6.30pm and will end at 8pm.



18H - Registration and Welcome Coffee

18H30 - Beginning of the Session

1. Cybersecurity Governance and Risk for Enterprises | Nicolas Castellon, Cybersecurity Director and Head of Cybersecurity Practice | CAPGEMINI NORDICS

2. Regulatory Trends and International Practices | Sabrina Medeiros, Professor at Lusófona University and Researcher at the Portuguese Institute for National Defence

3. Enterprise Shielding and Resilience in Digital Security | Sérgio Silva, Founder of CYBERS3C, Director of ANCIBER and Advisory Board Member of CIONET

19H45 - Q&A

20H - Closing Session