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Alcina de Oliveira Alves dwells on the future of online gambling and betting in Portugal



The online gambling and betting sector became a licensed activity in Portugal in 2015. Since then, 17 different gambling operators have acquired 30 licences to offer games of chance and fixed-odds sports betting on Portuguese websites.

Alcina de Oliveira Alves, Managing Associate in CCA's Online Gaming Department, states in an opinion piece for The Legal Industry Reviews, that this market is still expanding after having completed almost 10 years of existence. This makes it crucial to understand the challenges and adversities the industry is facing.

"No appealing legal market, compliant with responsible gambling standards, can be envisaged as long as one fails to address the fight against the illegal market", states the managing associate adding that "Lawmakers must take these matters into account when assessing and amending the Portuguese existent online gambling and betting legal framework, which is expected to happen soon."