How can companies guarantee the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market, while ensuring compliance with their legal obligations?
In an opinion article for RH Magazine, Carolina Hecker, Principal Associate at CCA Law Firm's Labour practice, analyses the challenges companies face in implementing Law 4/2019, which establishes employment quotas for people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 60%. Carolina emphasises that, despite the legislator’s noble intention, the practical implementation of this law can prove complex, especially for medium-sized and large companies, which must comply with mandatory percentages for hiring employees with disabilities.
This challenge is accentuated by the increasing scrutiny of ACT, which is notifying companies to prove that they comply with their legal obligations, putting additional pressure on those that have difficulty finding qualified applicants.
‘Employers that can prove to ACT that there were no disabled applicants (...) who met the necessary requirements to fill the vacancies the previous year can be exempted from complying with the percentage (...),’ explains the CCA lawyer.
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