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Domingos Cruz speaks to Jornal de Negócios about the most active areas of law practice in 2018


Domingos Cruz, CCA ONTIER's Managing Partner, spoke to Jornal de Negócios about the most active areas of law practice in 2018, revealing that 'certain legislative changes in progress or being launched can provide good opportunities, as they will imply the need for companies adjust to new regulatory milestones'. An example of this is the new European Data Protection Regulation, which will be applied on 25 May this year, and which, says Domingos Cruz, 'led to the creation of a specific team of personal data'.

When asked about the central role of the tourism and real estate sectors in boosting the national economy and, consequently, the activity developed by law firms in support of client companies, Domingos Cruz said that the expectation is that these sectors do not slow down. At least this year'.


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