Anticipating increased demand and new challenges of competition and innovation, law firms, academia and law technology companies reflect on the coming new year in the "Forum of Leaders" space in Jornal Económico. Domingos Cruz, Managing Partner of CCA, was invited to participate and share his perspective on the legal market for 2022.
"Number symbology tends to represent the number 2 as the number of duality. Now, in a year full of twos, the uncertainty that characterizes duality may be the touchstone for next year. Political uncertainty - Starting the year with a few legislative elections whose outcome is more uncertain than ever, and whose apparent government solutions are anything but obvious (...) - Economic uncertainty - We are witnessing the start of an almost perfect storm. The global increase in raw materials (…) combined with the likely increase in transport and consumption costs due to the energy crisis in which we are currently living, could place a huge burden on families and businesses (...) and, Social Uncertainty - The collective psyche is still tormented by the effects of the pandemic (...)", states the CCA Managing Partner.