Filipe Mayer, Partner and responsible for the Online Gaming area at CCA, and Tânia de Almeida Ferreira, Partner, and Coordinator of the CCA Tax Department, in a major interview to the Iberian Lawyer, explain what has changed in the taxation of Online Gambling and Betting in Portugal, under the State Budget Law for 2020. The approved regulation covers a wide range of gambling and betting, namely all games of chance (including baccarat, blackjack / 21, bingo, poker, and roulette), sports betting odds, and horse race betting, mutual and odds bets.
"It is unique in Portugal, both for the regulatory and the fiscal part. It is the only case where there is a tax that is not administered by the tax and customs authority. It’s one of the simplest taxes there is because it takes all the information from the system, that is, there are daily communications (the monthly ones are the sum of these). It’s all automatic", underlines Tânia de Almeida Ferreira.
Filipe Mayer, adds that "Portugal is one of the countries where it is most complicated to get a license because the process is very slow and the levels of control make all the difference. As the regulator collects the tax, he is much more concerned about the financial flow that the operators receive. This is unique in Portugal, I repeat. There must be few activities in the country where the regulator knows so well what to do".