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Filipe Mayer comments on the implementation of 5G in Portugal


Filipe Mayer, Partner at CCA Law Firm, in statements to Expresso, comments on the struggle between the government and Anacom in the implementation of 5G in Portugal. The regulation proposed by Anacom, the National Communications Authority, provides for the provision of spectrum for a fourth mobile operator and requires infrastructure sharing, but the Council of Ministers' resolution of February the 7th is silent on these possibilities.

Filipe Mayer reminds to Expresso that the Government has defined the strategy, the objectives, and the timetable for 5G and that Anacom cannot counter them. "The regulatory body is expected to act within the scope of the powers conferred on it, and may even carry them out and develop them, but without ever contradicting what is determined by the Government", specifies the CCA’s partner.