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Henrique Salinas comments on the international arrest warrant against João Rendeiro


The Portuguese justice has issued an international arrest warrant against João Rendeiro, former president of Banco Privado Português (BPP), sentenced to three, five and ten years in the scope of the BPP case, including convictions for the crimes of tax fraud, breach of trust and money laundering which stem from a process taken from the first mega-process of document forgery and computer forgery. In statements to RTP, Henrique Salinas, CCA's Partner and responsible for the Criminal & Compliance Area, evokes the international cooperation mechanisms that allow to bring to justice the former Portuguese banker who is absent abroad, apparently in a country without an extradition agreement with Portugal.

"If, for whatever reason, a State does not accept the extradition of a particular person, then it assumes the obligation to judge that person on the facts which gave rise to the request for extradition, precisely so that countries do not become refuges for convicted persons", says Henrique Salinas.