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Joana Guimarães explains the differences between traineeship contracts and their legal requirements


Traineeship contracts are fundamental tools for integrating young people into the labour market and are most often associated with their first professional experience. But are you aware of what distinguishes the different types of traineeships? In an opinion article for RH Magazine, Joana Guimarães, Associate in the Labour Department at CCA Law Firm, explains the specificities of each type of traineeship, as well as the obligations of companies towards trainees.

 "(...) it is crucial that Human Resources take care to formalise traineeship contracts, regardless of their type, with thoroughness and respect for legal requirements. Failure to comply with the applicable rules can result in the traineeship being mischaracterised, leading to the trainees being reclassified as employees, with all the consequences that this entails," emphasises the CCA lawyer.