Jorge Machado, CCA's Managing Director, in an interview with Jornal Económico, explains what the new technological solutions implemented by CCA consist of, as well as the purpose of their adoption.
After a decade of working with the Portuguese technology company ROOX, CCA added Intapp to the range of "accelerators" of its digitization, by introducing the solutions "Intapp Time" and "Intapp Pricing". According to CCA’s Managing Director, these solutions "are part of a strategic plan of CCA that was already underway before the pandemic and, because they are considered to be strategic, all technological investment has been maintained even with the current situation in which we live". The emphasis on digitization and reducing the bureaucracy of proceedings and services is one of the strategic pillars of our firm and "these solutions, supported by artificial intelligence, allow the digitization of certain internal processes, as well as restructuring the entire pricing process, eliminating the risks inherent to it", he adds.
For the future, Jorge Machado states that what is expected is that "the implementations of these solutions will generate high efficiency gains which will have direct impacts on the clients, namely on the value of the services provided".
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- Jornal Económico