In a labour scenario increasingly marked by flexible working hours and the popularisation of teleworking, new challenges have arisen with regard to recording working time. Adapting to the digital age has become essential in order to guarantee that employees' rights and duties are respected, while at the same time ensuring compliance with legal obligations. How can digital technologies contribute to this adaptation?
In an opinion article for RH Magazine, Maria Luís Guedes de Carvalho, Senior Associate in the CCA Labour practice, analyses how digitalisation and flexible working hours require new approaches to ensure compliance with legal obligations regarding the recording of working time, emphasising the importance of technological solutions to ensure a balance between personal and professional life.
‘It is extremely important for employers to provide the necessary information to employees who work with some flexibility, typical of teleworking (regardless of the modality), so that they can carry out their work within the limits of the normal working period, ensuring a balance between their private and family life and helping Human Resources management in complying with the obligation to record working time,’ the lawyer emphasises.
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