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Martim Bouza Serrano writes an opinion piece for Exame Informática on the application of the GDPR in Portugal


“Data protection: between public impunity and private mistrust”, is the latest opinion piece by Martim Bouza Serrano, Partner and Coordinator of the Data Protection Team of CCA ONTIER, for Exame Informática, which analyzes the continuous devaluation by the State of the subject and the consequent inequality between public and private entities.

« (...) although the proposal of the Government under discussion in the Assembly of the Republic foresees the creation of a regime of impunity for possible disregard of the State in complying with the rules and failure to respect the treatment of the personal data of its citizens, the truth is that, to this day, there is still no domestic law to validate this exemption. Until the Assembly of the Republic approves said exemption, the State will continue to be subject to the GDPR in its entirety, » says Martim Bouza Serrano.