Miguel Neiva de Oliveira, Senior Associate of the Litigation and Arbitration Department at CCA Law Firm, in an opinion piece for Advocatus, talks about de-bureaucratization and administrative modernization, especially in the area of public procurement which, in 2008, with the entry into force of the Public Contracts Code (“CCP”), underwent a real revolution.
As the Senior Associate explains, "adapting to this new reality, on the part of its departments and the companies that wanted to contract with it, has proven to be extraordinarily complex and time-consuming. The world of electronic public procurement platforms is still unknown and, from my perspective - may the reader forgive me the exaggerated figuration - is shrouded in fog and mystery".
With regard to a specific rule, contained in the draft law n.° 41/ XIV/1.°, which, in substance, establishes special measures for public procurement and introduces changes in the CCP in order, precisely, to simplify, reducing bureaucracy, and making public procurement procedures more flexible, Miguel Neiva de Oliveira underlines that "it is essential that the legislator be careful on this path, otherwise the slogan ‘to modernize, to modernize, to modernize’ may have the opposite effect to the intended one, introducing entropies that harm the final objective".
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