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Rita Serrano talks about the Brexit and the transfer of personal data


In the last decade we have witnessed the effort on the part of the European legislator to monitor the phenomenon of data circulation in an increasingly globalized and technological world. However, Brexit has now brought a series of changes to the European landscape and enormous challenges for companies, especially in terms of transfers of personal data. In an opinion piece for IT Channel, Rita Serrano, Senior Associate at CCA's Technology, Media and Telecommunications Department, discusses the impact of the UK's exit from the European Union on data transfers and explains how Member States have solved this new scenario.

"(...) the European Commission finally announced in a press release that it had adopted two 'adequacy decisions ', one under the GDPR and the other under Directive No. 2016/289 (regarding the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offenses or the execution of criminal penalties), thereby recognizing that the United Kingdom ensures an adequate level of protection to personnel data transferred from the European Union to that country", explains Rita Serrano.