Law 13/2023, which amends the Labour Code and other related legislation, was published today in the Diário da República (Official Gazette), following the President's enactment of the Decree-Law on the Decent Work Agenda on 22 March.
The publication of Law 13/2023 operates as a confirmation of the previously announced amendments to the labour legislation. Over the next few days, CCA Law Firm will be posting some of the main changes introduced to the law.
As the Law was published on 3 April, the vast majority of the changes to labour law will come into force on 1 May, with the exception of the following:
- The regime on the protection of parents, in what comes to the additional maternity and paternity leave periods. In the 60 days following the publication of Law 13/2023, the Government shall amend the definition of the regime, and Decree Law 91/2009, of 9 April, shall remain in force in the meantime;
- Some of the rules on the minimum requirements for the Temporary Work Agencies to operate shall remain unaltered until an Implementing Decree is enacted;
- The obligation to register workers and to make payments to the Labour Compensation and Guarantee Fund (FGCT) and to the Labour Compensation Fund (FCT) shall be suspended for the duration of the medium-term agreement for the improvement of income, wages and competitiveness;
- The Government shall, within 60 days, make the necessary adjustments to the Arbitration Regulation in what comes to the negotiation of Collective Work Agreements.