Related To Staying In National Territory Until June 30, 2025.
With the entry into force on June 29, 2024, of Decree-Law No. 41-A/2024, of June 28, the period established in Decree-Law No. 10-A/2020, of March 13, as currently amended, is extended for one year concerning the validity of documents and visas. This extension aims "to ensure sufficient time for stabilizing the functioning of public services in the field of migrations, providing timely responses to the requests addressed to them", as stated in the preamble of the aforementioned Decree-Law.
Therefore, all documents whose validity expired after February 24, 2020, shall be accepted as valid until June 30, 2025, in Portugal.
After June 30, 2025, provided that the holder proves that they have already scheduled the respective renewal, documents and visas related to staying in national territory should be accepted in Portugal.
This regime does not apply to documents related to staying in national territory issued under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 29-A/2022, of March 1, as currently amended, which establishes specific criteria for granting temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine.