Insights & Media


2023 sustainability report


Innovation that transforms reality, solutions that impact people.

At CCA we challenge the status quo, while honouring the history that defines us and sets us apart in the market. With our eyes set on the future, but with our feet firmly in the present, we continue to value and acknowledge the talent of the people who make up CCA, as well as finding new ways of working and engaging in dialogue with our clients, breaking new ground in emerging areas.

CCA's 2023 Sustainability Report reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainable development and innovation, and is an open window into our values, actions, and commitments, following the ESG framework and highlighting CCA's environmental, social and governance commitments.

2023 was a remarkable year, not only because of the commitments we made, but also because of our unrelenting desire to excel and innovate. Our commitments reflect our forward-thinking approach, our ability to anticipate trends and our purpose: Innovation that transforms reality, solutions that impact people.