Covid-19´s impact on companies and organizations. Difficult, but necessary decisions.
CCA drafted a full guide to help companies and organizations to navigate through these uncertain times. The decrease of revenues and the inability to collect receivables implies the need of companies and organizations to make difficult but necessary decisions.
Throughout this document, you will find simple and practical suggestions and solutions.
This guide is divided by practices areas and includes not only the general applicable legal mechanisms but also the new measures that have been announced by the Portuguese government to mitigate the economic impact of the virus.
We believe we have gathered the information needed to take an informed and effective decision, as we try to give a small contribution to all the companies and organizations that are struggling in these difficult times.
Naturally, some aspects will necessarily require a deep dive on more concrete subject and therefore CCA created a special task force that is holding several webinar sessions to answer everyone´s questions. The webinars are organized by CCA ON.
Finally, we wanted to offer a word of hope and encouragement to our clients, managers, entrepreneurs and employers, and remind you that you can always count on us and on our resilience, as we believe we are up to the challenge.