Claúdia is CCA's Senior Of Counsel in the area of Intellectual Property. She began working for the firm in 2013. She has developed her practice in the area of Industrial and Intellectual Property, namely: advice and legal assistance in the protection and defence of Industrial Property rights (trademarks, industrial designs and patents); domain names and copyrights; and related rights (such as contracts for the assignment of copyright and exploitation of protected works, the defence of copyright over the Internet).
- Post-Graduation in Intellectual Law, Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa (2007)
- Post-graduation in Industrial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon and Portuguese Association of Intellectual Law (2003)
- Law Degree from the Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa of Lisbon (1993-1998)
- Legal Consultant at Clarke, Modet & Co., Trademarks and Patents (2005/2006 and 2011/2012)
- Legal Consultant at Herrero & Associados Portugal, Trademarks and Patents (2006-2010)
- Arbitrator at ARBITRARE – Arbitration Centre for Industrial Property, Domain Names, Firms and Denominations (2008)
- Official Agent of Industrial Property – AOPI (2007)
- Legal consultant at J. Pereira da Cruz (2001-2004)
- Internship at INPI – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (2000)
- Trainee lawyer at Manuel Guerra Pinheiro, Ana Oliveira Bruno, José Manuel Mesquita & Manuel Cavaleiro Ferreira (1998-2000)
English, French and Spanish