Henrique Salinas is a CCA partner and is responsible for the Criminal & Compliance Area, and began working for the firm back in 2007. For more than 20 years he has accumulated professional experience as a lawyer and as a teacher. He specialized in the areas of Compliance, Criminal Procedure, Economic Criminal Law, Administrative Offenses and Regulation. He is recognized and highly praised by clients for his work in high profile criminal cases. Henrique is also a specialist in bank litigation and financial services disputes. He has relevant experience in international processes. He also devotes himself to the development and implementation of Criminal Compliance business programs. Since 2019 he has been one of the training staff of the Judicial Studies Center (CEJ).
- Ph.D. in Law, Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2012) - Dissertation: "The objective limits of ne bis in idem"
- Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences, Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1998) - Dissertation: "The participation in special crimes in the Penal Code
- Law Degree from the Faculty of Human Sciences, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1991)
- Assistant Professor at the Lisbon School of the Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- Professor at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, where he teaches Fundamental Law Notions I and II and Economic Criminal Law
- Coordinator of the Forensic Master’s Degree of the School of Lisbon of the Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- Taught different Post-graduation courses promoted by the UCP, since 1997
- Coordinator of the Post-graduation course in Forensic Procedural Law and the Post-graduation course in Company Criminal Law of the of the UCP
- Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, where he taught Criminal Procedural Law (2000/2001)
- Member of the Office of Studies of the Portuguese Bar Association
- Member of the Commission for Gender Equality and Domestic Violence of the Bar Association (2017)
- Representative of the Bar Association of the National Council of Legal Medicine
- President of the Academic Association of the Faculty of Law of the Lisbon School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- "Critérios de distinção entre a anulabilidade e a nulidade das deliberações sociais no Código das Sociedades Comerciais", Direito e Justiça, Volume VII, Book 2, 1994, pages 211-259
- "La criminalisation du comportement collectif - Portugal", in: AA.VV, La criminalisation du comportement collectif, The Langue: Kluwer Law International, 1996, pages 311-343, co-authored with José Lobo Moutinho
- “A comparticipação em crimes especiais no Código Penal”, Lisbon, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 1999
- "Breve nota sobre o conceito de detenção em flagrante delito por entidade policial em pressuposto do processo sumário", I Congresso de Processo penal, Coimbra, Almedina, pages 91-96
- "O artigo 25.º do Estatuto de Roma. Primeiras Notas", Direito e Justiça, Special volume, 2006, pages 67-80
- Comment to article 32.º, in: JORGE MIRANDA/RUI MEDEIROS, Constituição Portuguesa Anotada, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, Volume I, 2010, 2.ª ed., pages 702-743, co-authored with Germano Marques da Silva
- “Os Limites Objectivos do ne bis in idem”, Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora, 2014
- Comments to articles 31.º e 32.º, in: AA.VV, Lei da Concorrência, Comentário Conimbricense, Coimbra: Almedina, pp. 329-362, co-authored with José Lobo Moutinho
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