Pedro Antunes, Sócio do Departamento de Laboral da CCA, escreveu um artigo de opinião para a revista ibérica Iberian lawyer sobre a transformação digital laboral e o importante papel das empresas e do estado nesta mudança de paradigma.
Para o Sócio da CCA, "The global paradigm has shifted. That of life and work. And we, legislators, employers and the state have to create conditions to simplify work relations and improve the lives of workers and new generations of talent who seek, above all, balance between personal and professional life."
"It is also the right time for Governments to impose a paradigm shift in the public sector, determining a worker self-accountability character, subjecting public workers to rigorous evaluations, seeking to solve, in this way, the productivity problem, in order to test more flexible models", acrescenta Pedro Antunes.